CAPS Mini Marathon
CAPS Mini Marathon is taking place on Sunday 5th June at 2pm from St. Mary’s Church Crosserlough. Please contact Trina if you wish to participate. If you wish to make a donation please click on this link. It will take you to the our online fundraising page CAPS Mini Marathon iDonate Link.
CAPS Social Morning Event
Our next CAPS monthly Social Morning event is on Tuesday 7th June 2022 from 10am-12pm. Our members come from different counties and countries and they enjoy a range of dishes that not everyone has had the opportunity to taste therefore, for our June event we are inviting everyone to bring along a dish that they would like to share with the group. It can be a sweet treat such as buns, cakes etc. or savoury such as lasagne etc. If interested please contact Trina on 0863540899 for location details ☕️🎉☕️
REMINDER: These Social Morning events are open to all parents of children and adults with ASD. You do not have to be a member of C.A.P.S. to come along. Our main aim is to bring parents together to share their journeys and possibly give advice, along with providing a social outlet. Children are also welcome!!