CAPS October 2021 Social Morning Flyer
We were delighted to announce that the CAPS monthly Social Morning Events were resuming in October. Our first event took place on Tuesday 5th October 2021 from 10am-12pm in Teach Oscail Family Resource Centre, 31 Church Street, Cavan, Co. Cavan H12 H049
REMINDER: These Social Morning events which are run on the 1st Tuesday of every month are open to all parents of children and adults with ASD. You do not have to be a member of C.A.P.S. to come along. Our main aim is to bring parents together to share their journeys and possibly give advice, along with providing a social outlet. Children are also welcome!!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Numbers are limited inline with government guidelines. If interested in attending please contact Trina via email admin@capssupport.ie or phone: 0863540899.